FIH Congress Official Documents

48th FIH Congress

Congress Minutes:

FIH Congress minutes 5 November 2022 FINAL_Signed.pdf (13.8 MB)

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Congress Official Notice Documents:

2022-10-05_FIH Congress Official Notice.pdf (303.0 KB)

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FIH Acting President Report.pdf (673.0 KB)

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FIH Congress - Day 1 - Agenda.pdf (143.0 KB)

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FIH Congress Agenda 05.10.2022.pdf (252.0 KB)

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Item 1_ Audited Accounts 2021.pdf (486.0 KB)

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Item 2_ New Membership Application_ PP FHI.pdf (339.0 KB)

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Item 3_ Transfer Membership Letter PHSI to PP FHI.pdf (218.0 KB)

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Item 4_ Report Elections Oversight Panel_04.10.2022.pdf (244.0 KB)

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Item 5a_ Letter to NAs_Proposed Amendments to FIH Statutes and General Regulations.pdf (532.0 KB)

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Item 5b_ FIH EB Proposal_Statutes Amendments_Redlined.pdf (359.0 KB))

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Item 5c_ FIH EB Proposal_Statutes Amendments_ Table.pdf (185.0 KB)

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Item 5d_ EHF Proposal_Amendements to FIH Statutes.pdf (342.0 KB)

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Item 5e_ EHF Proposal_Amendements FIH General Regulations_Redlined.pdf (194.0 KB)

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Item 5f_ EHF_Proposal_Amendments FIH Statutes and General Regulations_Table.pdf (157.0 KB)

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Item 6a_ President Candidate_ Mr Marc Coudron.pdf (1,358.0 KB)

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Item 6b_ President Candidate_ Mr Mohammad Tayyab Ikram.pdf (1,517.0 KB)

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Item 6c_ Elections Package EB Member Candidates 48th Congress.pdf (1,900.0 KB)

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Updated 48th FIH Congress Candidates 2022.pdf (147.0 KB)

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Committee Reports:

Athletes Committee Report - Congress 2022.pdf (252.0 KB)

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Competitions Committee Report - Congress 2022.pdf (262.0 KB)

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Disciplinary Commissioner Report- Congress 2022.pdf (246.0 KB)

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FIH Officials Committee - Report 2021-22.pdf (269.0 KB)

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FIH_Congress2022_FIH Academy Development.pdf (201.0 KB)

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Governance Panel Report - Congress 2022.pdf (259.0 KB)

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Health and Safety Committee Report - Congress 2022.pdf (260.0 KB)

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Integrity Unit Report - Congress 2022.pdf (357.0 KB)

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Judicial Commission Report - Congress 2022.pdf (114.0 KB)

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RC report for FIH congress.pdf (183.0 KB)

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WISC - Congress 2022.pdf (220.0 KB)

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Sport Group FIH Congress Brochure 2022 Final.pdf (11,200 KB)

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Congress Documents:

EOP Post Congress Report 2022_22.11.2022

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Voting Scenarios_ 48th FIH Congress

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47th FIH Congress

Congress Official Notice Documents:

2021-04-22_FIH Congress Official Notice.pdf (348.5 KB)

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FIH Congress Agenda 22.05.2021.pdf (382.5 KB)

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FIH Congress.Agenda.Hockey Invites.pdf (344.1 KB)

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FIH President Report.pdf (2128.1 KB)

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Updated 47th FIH Congress Candidates 2021.pdf (109.2 KB)

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Item 1_ Audited Accounts 2018-2019.pdf (273.3 KB)

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Item 2_ Judicial Commission Report.pdf (72.4 KB)

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Item 3_Ratification of appointment of JC President CV GEORGE BENNETT.pdf (134.2 KB)

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Item 4_New Membership Applications.pdf (359.2 KB)

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Item 5_Indonesian Hockey Association Report.pdf (269.0 KB)

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Item 6_Report Elections Oversight Panel_08.04.2021.pdf (127.4 KB)

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Item 7a_Letter to NAs Proposed amendments to FIH Statutes.pdf (316.2 KB)

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Item 7b_Proposed Statutes amendments_Redlined.pdf (304.2 KB)

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Item 7c_Proposed Statutes Amendments Table.pdf (234.6 KB)

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Item 8a_FIH President Candidate_ Dr Narinder Dhruv Batra.pdf (367.6 KB)

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Item 8b_FIH President Candidate_ Mr Marc Coudron.pdf (374.4 KB)

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Item 8c_Elections Package EB Member Candidates 47th Congress.pdf (853.1 KB)

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Committee Reports:

Congress Report-Athletes Committee.pdf (193.8 KB)

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Congress Report-DEC.pdf (226.2 KB)

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Congress Report-Disciplinary Commissioner.pdf (195.5 KB)

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Congress Report - Health and Safety Committee.pdf (194.0 KB)

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Congress Report' Integrity Unit Report.pdf (302.0 KB)

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Congress Report-Rule Committee.pdf (206.4 KB)

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Governance Panel Report for the FIH Congress 2021.pdf (152.7 KB)

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Congress Report-Competitions Committee.pdf (212.0 KB)

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Congress Report-Women in Sport Committee.pdf (187.1 KB)

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Congress Report Officials Committee.pdf (217.9 KB)

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Congress Documents:

Voting Scenarios_ 47th FIH Congress.pdf (94.7 KB)

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EOP Post Congress Report 2021_ 28.05.2021.pdf (196.6 KB)

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FIH Congress minutes 22 May 21 2021_approved.pdf (586.5 KB)

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FIH Nominations Package 47th Congress:

FIH Nominations Package.pdf (121.0 KB)

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FIH EB Member Job Description and Role of Board.pdf (151.0 KB)

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Role of the President.pdf (123.0 KB)

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President's Job Description.pdf (95.5 KB)

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Outgoing EB Members.pdf (154.3 KB)

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2020 FIH Elections Manual.pdf (436.6 KB)

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Appendix 1. EOP_Terms of Reference.pdf (157.4 KB)

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Appendix 2. FIH Integrity Code.pdf (384.2 KB)

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46th FIH Congress

Congress Documents:

2018-10-03_Congress Agenda.pdf (583.9 KB)

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2018-11-03_Congress Minutes.pdf (521.2 KB)

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