FIH President Tayyab Ikram met former FIH Presidents Juan Ángel Calzado and Leandro Negre, EuroHockey President and FIH Executive Board Marcos Hofmann, Spanish Hockey Federation President Santi Deo and Real Club de Polo President Curro Espinós de Pascual in Barcelona.
“It was particularly emotional for me to have three FIH Presidents at the same place, at the same time! I was very honored to hand over a FIH memento to Juan Ángel Calzado, my predecessor at the helm of hockey’s world governing body from 1996 to 2001. He was also my mentor, and someone I have tremendous respect for,” the FIH President said.
The interaction took place on the site where the very first FIH Hockey World Cup (Men’s) was played in 1971!
“With EuroHockey being one of hockey’s major stakeholders, Marcos Hofmann and I had very insightful talks about the development of hockey and how FIH and EuroHockey can grow together,” President Ikram added.
“I’m extremely grateful for the wonderful hospitality that has been extended to me during these couple of days. I look forward to more similar interactions and collaboration on the way forward!”, he concluded.