Lausanne, Switzerland: After a thorough analysis, the Executive Board (EB) of the International Hockey Federation (FIH) has decided to give the possibility to each National Association delegate to decide whether they will attend the 47th FIH Statutory Congress either onsite - in Delhi, India - or virtually via an online platform. The scheduled date – 22 May 2021 – is maintained.
With this hybrid format, all Members of the Congress, irrespective of whether they are currently able or not to travel internationally due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, will have the possibility to take part.
The agenda includes, amongst others, elections for the position of FIH President and for four positions of EB Ordinary Member. For all delegates, attending onsite or virtually, the voting process will be done exclusively via an online platform (e-voting).
The full agenda will be published around one month before the Congress.
The event in Delhi will be hosted by Hockey India.
For more information about FIH and hockey in general, please download the Watch.Hockey app or follow the FIH social media channels - Facebook, Instagram and Twitter– and website.
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