In Europe, a three-year development programme for young Umpires, the Umpires Development Programme (UDP) is held. Each year, in April or May, a new group of young Umpires is selected. The participants are individually trained and supervised by mentors, who are experienced former International Umpires and current International Umpire Managers. The joint Seminar is organised once a year.
This year the UDP Seminar took place during the final weekend of the FIH Indoor World Cup (IWC) in Poznan, Poland. It was an excellent opportunity to watch the world's top Indoor Umpires in action. Topics such as control and management of the game, presentation and selling of decisions, positioning, rapport and many others were discussed.Two of the IWC Umpires, Ana Faias (POR) and Mikael Mattson (SWE) are successful examples of the Umpires Development Programme. Mikael Mattson participated in the UDP Group 1 (from which he graduated in 2009). Ana Faias was in the UDP Group 2 (from which she graduated last year). Both were willing and able to conduct the Seminar and to sit next to the UDP participants during the matches to answer questions on preparation, feelings during a game, flow and management, etc. The circle is now complete, with UDP graduates conducting the Seminar and helping UDP participants.
Thanks to the participation of all of the IWC Umpires - during the Seminar, off the pitch and during the ÔÇÿmeet and greet' - the weekend was a big success. The exchange of information and experiences will prove invaluable to the UDP participants.
All this would not have been possible without the hospitality of the Polish Hockey Association, helping beforehand with organisational matters and in providing accreditations.