The project ‘Promotion Indian Hockey‘ of the International Hockey Federation (FIH) in cooperation with the Indian Hockey Confederation, the Indian Olympic Association and Olympic Solidarity (IOC) shows unfortunately delay to the time schedule laid down in the project agreement.
The report containing the ‘areas of concern’, submitted to the Indian Hockey Federations mid November 2006, will now, according to information received, be discussed early February with State Presidents and members of the Executive Boards of the Indian hockey bodies after which next steps can be decided.
The report, including restructuring of the Federations itself will also be discussed by the Indian Hockey Confederation in New Delhi at the end of January.
Anticipating a positive outcome of the deliberations and in view of the importance of qualification for the Olympic Games in Beijing for both the men and women Indian national team, the project leader Bob Davidzon (NED) has in the meantime worked out and submitted a draft action plan for the National teams for soonest consideration by the Indian Hockey Confederation.