Every November, clean-shaven gentlemen everywhere grow moustaches for Movember, the global charity dedicated to raising funds and awareness for prostate and testicular cancer and mental health challenges.
With this year’s Movember rapidly approaching, we are proud to announce that we are doing our bit to support this incredible cause. However, we cannot do it without you!
We are inviting Mo Bros and Mo Sistas – inspirational women who love a Mo and encourage their growth on friends, family and colleagues – from around the hockey world to get behind this campaign by joining our “Hockey Heroes” team on the Movember website.
We want as many people as possible to upload their Mo photos to the site in order to create a huge gallery of hockey-related Movember mugshots, showing that our sport is fully behind this fantastic cause. To join our Hockey Heroes team, click here!
To support your fund-raising efforts, we will also be making weekly donations to the Movember charity throughout the month-long campaign in recognition of the best Movember photos that we see on our facebook page.
Forward us a picture of your most luxurious (or puny, if that's the way your facial hair goes) Movember ‘tash’, including your name, where you live, and why you're participating in the campaign. If you have a fundraising page from this year that you want to promote, feel free to include a link to that as well.
We look forward to seeing your Mos - happy moustache-growing!