The 44th FIH Congress in 2014 welcomed five new National Associations including Haiti who joined from Pan-America.
In January this year, for the first time, the Haitian Hockey Federation (HHF) organised a Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF) introductory coaching course led by Shiv Jagday, FIH Coach. Held over four days at the Olympic Centre ‘sportive pour l’Espoir’ (sport for hope); and supported by PAHF, FIH, the representative International Olympic Committee and the Olympic centre, 42 Haitian Coaches participated in the course.
As hockey was a brand new sport to these coaches, the course included: introducing the sport of hockey and introducing basic skills, tactics and rules which govern the game. How in nine steps to develop a young hockey player and a team; and how to start and sustain a hockey program.
The course was well received by the participants who came from all over Haiti and it was widely covered in the media including the National Radio Television of Haiti and Radio-Tele Ginen.
The HHF declared their thanks at the end of the four days to everyone who contributed to make this training possible, in particular PAHF, and Coach Shiv Jagday. And also expressed that their door is open to work with the other National Hockey Federations to progress hockey in Haiti.
Following the successful course, the next objectives for HHF are to be recognized by the Haiti Olympic Committee, during their next general assembly meeting and for hockey to be introduced in nine cities, focussing on male and female players in the age groups of under 10, 14 and 16.
Keep an eye on the FIH and PAHF websites for progress updates.