The International Hockey Federation (FIH) is calling on nominations for its Athletes' Committee, the key link between those who play and the governing body, to make sure the Athletes have a voice in the FIH decision making process.

This is a unique opportunity for current and recently retired athletes looking to make an impact on the future of the sport, with all costs covered by the FIH.

Regular Members and Liaison Members are currently being sought. All nominations must reach the FIH by 25 August 2018 in order to commence voting in September. 

If you're interested in representing athletes across the world, contact your National Association and ask them to put you forward as a nominee to

We are looking for nominations for both Regular Members of the Athletes’ Committee and for a new position of Liaison Members.

Regular Members
Candidates must have played at an FIH competition within four (4) years as of 1 September 2018. Regular Members will be expected to:

  • Commit a minimum of 6-8 days each year (+ travel time)
  • Attend all Athletes’ Committee meetings x 2 times per year
  • Be the Athletes’ Committee’s representative on at least one other FIH Panel or Committee
  • Attend other stakeholder (eg. WADA, IOC) Athlete Forums/Symposiums in your geographical region
  • Be in regular email and telephone dialogue regarding Athletes’ Committee related matters 

Liaison Members
Candidates must be current players who have played at an FIH competition within the past 12 months and be part of their current National Association squad.

The requirements and time commitment for Liaison Members are much less than for Regular Members and their role is to strengthen the link between the FIH Athletes’ Committee and current players. As such expectations are limited to:

  • Commit a minimum of 1-2 days per year (+ travel time)
  • Attend at least one Athletes’ Committee meeting per year (subject to playing commitments)
  • Be responsible for channelling messages to/from the Athletes’ Committee and current players

All candidates will be expected to have the following skills and competencies:

  • A good standard of written and spoken English
  • A good network amongst other athletes
  • Comfortable presenting and speaking in public
  • Demonstrate a desire to give athletes a stronger voice within the administration of the sport

As part of FIH's 'Equally Amazing' values, the FIH is asking each National Association to nominate one female and one male candidate for each position – Regular Members and Liaison Members.

No National Association will be able to have more than one representative on the Athletes Committee, so should a National Association have more than one athlete voted in through the elections, the athlete with the highest percentage of the vote will be successful.

The members of the Athletes’ Committee serve as a consultative body and make recommendations to the FIH Executive Board, FIH Committees, Advisory Panels and other bodies. 

The roles cover seeking and providing feedback to the FIH on behalf of all athletes, whilst developing and promoting resources and initiatives to athletes such as health and welfare, anti-doping, social media, our need to create stars to attract new fans, career preparation and management. 

The Committee also plays a central role in liaising with the Athletes’ Commission of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and other sporting organisations to enable the sharing of information and research and ultimately developing the game of hockey.