Following International Hockey Federation (FIH) Executive Board meetings in Lausanne, Switzerland last week, and upon recommendation of the FIH Rules Committee, a number of changes to the Rules of Indoor Hockey and Hockey5s were approved. Below is a summary of these changes:
Rules of Indoor Hockey
Changes to the Rules of Indoor Hockey (with reference to the numbered Rules in the 2016 edition) are as follows: -
Rule 13.2
Attacking Free Pushes within three metres of the edge of the circle – in line with the recommendation from the Athletes, there should be a consistent approach between Outdoor and Indoor Hockey. An attacking free push awarded within three metres of the circle should be taken from the point of the offence, with essentially the same interpretation as for Outdoor Hockey, but adjusted for the possibility to play the ball off the side-boards (where the ball would need to travel at least 3m before it rebounds off them into the circle).
Rule 7.3
‘Corner’ re-start - after the ball has been played over the back-line and no goal is scored, if played unintentionally by a defender or deflected by a goalkeeper or player with goalkeeping privileges, play will be re-started with the ball on the centre-line and in line with where it crossed the back-line and the procedures for a free push will apply.
Rule 14.1b
Green Card as a temporary suspension for one minute of playing time – it was agreed that this should be adopted into the Rules, rather than just being an FIH Indoor Tournament Regulation which varies the Rules of Indoor Hockey
Note: Issues surrounding the awarding of a Penalty Corner in combination with a Green Card will be addressed at International level, since the suspension time is virtually over if a team takes the full 40 seconds to put on their protective equipment. Ideally, Umpires should stop the clock under these circumstances.
These changes formally take effect from 1 January 2017. However, advance notice of the main changes is provided here so that Continental Federations and National Associations may, if they wish, implement the changes sooner for matches within their jurisdiction.
Rules of Hockey5s
For information, the following Regulations, which vary the Rules of Hockey5s, will be adopted for the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) and are recommended for all Continental YOG Qualifiers:
Rule 1
Field of Play:pitch size of 48 metres x 31.76 metres, with dotted 12 metres lines from each back-line.
Rule 5
Match & Result:matches to comprise two periods of 10 minutes with two minutes interval at half-time – the rationale behind this is due to YOG match scheduling issues.
Rule 11
Conduct of Play:Umpires, two Umpires will be required for each YOG match.
Changes to the Rules of Hockey5s (with reference to the numbered Rules in the current 2016 edition) are as follows: -
Rule 12
12.2 Free Hits awarded for offences within and between the quarter-line areas – the Hockey5s Rules indicate 11 metres areas, while based upon the YOG Regulations these will be 12 metres areas. The lines indicating these areas will now be referred to as quarter-lines in the Rules.
12.3 Challenges will be awarded for intentional and unintentional offences on the same basis at present, except that this will now be for offences in the defending half, rather than just in the defending areas indicated by the quarter-lines as at present.
Rule 13
Procedure for Taking Penalties
13.3a, Challenge to continue to be taken from the quarter-line, except all other players should now be positioned behind the centre-line – this enables these other players to re-enter play more quickly.
13.3g, at a Challenge the ball should travel four metres before a shot at goal can be attempted. The starting position of the defending goalkeeper (as per Challenges/Shoot-outs in other formats) will now be from the goal-line (rather than four metres away from the ball), which is seen as enabling a much fairer contest between the attacker and defending goalkeeper.
Note: These changes formally take effect from 1 May 2016. However, advance notice of the main changes is provided here so that Continental Federations and National Associations may, if they wish, implement the changes immediately for matches within their jurisdiction.
Rules of Hockey 2017
No recommendations were made to the FIH Executive Board regarding changes to the current Rules of Hockey, which will be reviewed following the conclusion of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
For more information about the Rules of Hockey, click here.
Photo: World Sports Pics