Another drama-filled season of Euro Hockey League action is almost upon us.
Next weekend, some the finest club teams and players in Europe will take to the field at HTC Uhlenhorst in Mülheim (GER), including Spain’s Atletic Terrassa, Dutch giants HC Bloemendaal, Ashley Jackson’s East Grinstead not forgetting the hosts themselves, nine time European champions HTC Uhlenhorst Mülheim. It promises to be a special weekend, especially for the tournament hosts, who will be cheered on by the home supporters in their club's first ever EHL matches.
Ticket sales for both Round 1.1 Mülheim (GER - 7-9 October) and 1.2 Brasschaat (BEL - 21-23 October) are going well, but there is still time for you to confirm your attendance. Day ticket prices for Round 1.1 start at just €11.50 for adults, with children aged 6 to 17 getting a reduced entry rate of €5.00. Full ticketing information can be found on the Euro Hockey League website - www.ehlhockey.tv .
If you cannot make it to the tournament itself, please remember that EHLHOCKEY.TV will be bringing you comprehensive coverage of Round 1. Every single match will be streamed live, with match highlights, written reports, official documents and stunning action photos also being uploaded. Be sure not to miss out.
Euro Hockey League Media Release