IOC: The IOC's Coordination Commission for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad ÔÇô Beijing 2008 concluded its sixth full visit to Beijing today.
The meetings between the Commission and the Organising Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG), which took place over three days, included a venue tour that allowed the Commission members to get a first-hand look at the development of some of the iconic venues that Beijing is building for the Games.
Speaking at the end of the Coordination Commission's visit, Chairman Verbruggen said, ÔÇ£We are pleased to see that BOCOG is continuing to make good progress and this progress is obvious, as we see the spectacular Olympic venues taking shape.
During its meetings, the Commission looked in particular detail at the operations and services that BOCOG plans to provide to stakeholder groups like the athletes, the National Olympic Committees, spectators, the International Federations, the media and sponsors.
Looking forward, Verbruggen commented, ÔÇ£BOCOG will soon start to hold important test events, such as the International Softball Federation's XI Women's Fast Pitch World Championship and the International Sailing Regatta in
ÔÇ£These competitions should be considered as a dress rehearsal for the Games themselves. During the second half of this year, BOCOG will also meet with representatives of the written press and the rights-holding broadcasters, respectively, at the World Press Briefing in September and the World Broadcasters' Meeting in August.
It is during all these events that BOCOG will be able to fine tune its planning and prepare for smooth operations in order to deliver an exceptional experience to all those who will participate at the Games.ÔÇØ
Liu Qi, the President of BOCOG, extended his warm thanks to Chairman Verbruggen and the other members of the Coordination Commission for their continuing support and guidance. Commenting on the Commission's visit.
"The key preparatory work for the Beijing Olympic Games has been advancing smoothly and on schedule and BOCOG will continue to attach great importance to this year's Games preparations, as we move forward with our transition from a planning phase to a more operational focus,ÔÇØ he said.