With multi-sport facilities now more common throughout the world, it is becoming important that the turf in such facilities is approved for multiple sport use.
POLIGRAS ECO HT synthetic turf recently achieved a high certification level for both hockey and tennis, where it received a Level 4 rating. The result means lower building costs for communities and a round the clock use for facilities with a multi-faceted turf.
"With an option to build facilities suitable for multi-sport community activity we are obviously aiming at the recreational level," said Dr. Martin Schlegel with the Advanced Polymer Technology Australasia. "At the same time we want to provide the clubs with the comfort that the surface also meets the requirements of their sport."
Within the POLIGRAS range there is now a hockey/tennis product with POLIGRAS ECO HT in addition to the POLIGRAS Mono 2035 hockey/soccer combination. At a secondary college in Melbourne a POLIGRAS ECO HT installation was recently installed.
FIH Head of Sport and Technical Manager Roger Webb believes this type of multi-purposed turf may well be the way of the future. "We're seeing cases in several countries where hockey is sharing facilities with one or more other sports. If we offer a turf that can be used by various athletes, it helps promote hockey in facilities that might not have otherwise been possible. This is ultimately good for the growth of the game."