Question: What are you most looking forward to in #FIHProLeague?
Delfina Merino: One of the best things about #FIHProLeague is the possibility of playing again in Argentina. It has been few years since we played in our country and in every sport, we play in Argentina is crazy and I am looking forward to the part.
Eugenia Trinchinetti: Yes, same we can play with our fans and family being there in the stands. So, it is going to be a very good experience.
Q: What will be the main challenge of travelling in the #FIHProLeague?
ET: Well, we start with home games so that is going to be very good, then we go to other countries and win the games. We are growing up as a team, hope with every match we become a better team and better players.
Q: Which country you are most looking forward to playing in?
ET: I like New Zealand because it is a very nice place. But, I like to stay in Argentina and win there.
Q: How is the training going to change for the event?
Agustin Corradini: Everything is going to change, also the calendar and schedule for the year will change because normally we have holidays in Argentina in December and January and that’s going to be over for them. We have to adapt our calendar to a European one and this is going to be a main challenge for Argentina because the International players need to teach their bodies to have another calendar from the rest of the sports and clubs in Argentina. So that will be a big challenge for us but I hope we will blend it ok and do it good.
Q: Will the #FIHProLeague raise the profile of Las Leonas?
DM: Yes, as I said before the possibility of playing in Argentina again in Rosario, Cordoba and Buenos Aires will help in growth of Hockey in the country that we are lacking now. Hockey is the first sport in Argentina for women and many young girls still play Hockey and this will encourage people to join. International Hockey is not every day there and I am really looking forward to the atmosphere and as Eugenia said we can have our family and friends in the stadiums and it is always nice to be with them.