Question: Excited to play first #FIHProLeague?
Bob De Voogd: I am excited. It is something new and it is nice to play a lot of games in your home country in front of your fans. That is something new and I look forward to and can’t wait.
Q: What makes this event different?
BDV: As I just said, you play one game and that’s it. The event will be different, the preparation will be different, but it makes it more exciting as well. It will be nice to watch the games.
Q: How does it feel to play at home?
BDV: It is nice, we don’t play a lot of games at home. We are playing at different locations as well so you see different clubs and people, I like it.
Q: Any special preparation for the six-month long event?
BDV: It is different because we play some games in Australia and Argentina. The preparation will be longer. Our home games are during the event, so the preparation for those will be probably a bit shorter than we are used to. We will train the whole year with the team, it will be fine but just a different mindset.
Q: Is #FIHProLeague a topic of discussion amongst your friends?
BDV: Sometimes. Especially the schedule changes now, my girlfriend is not always happy with it as I am going to be away more often now. It is a new event and there a lot of things that are exciting and some of the things we have to manage well and handle well. I think we all love to play Hockey and now we can do it the whole year, so in the end it will be fine.
Q: Do you have any message for the fans?
BDV: Please come and watch us play. We hope for a full stadium and all the support. The Oranje fans always do that when we play at home, it will be ok I think.
Q: Who is going to win?
BDV: We are :)